S'Cool LAB PLUS+ allowed groups of high school students visiting CERN to extend their visit by getting hands-on with two particle physics experiments. In addition, students were expected to contribute to S'Cool LAB physics education research projects by completing questionnaires, being interviewed by researchers, testing new S'Cool LAB worksheets, etc.


A S'Cool LAB PLUS+ consists of two consecutive workshops of 75-90 minutes each. In one session, students take part in a S'Cool LAB Cloud Chamber Workshop. In the other session, students carry out one of the other S'Cool LAB Experiments. Working in small groups of 2-4 participants each, students manipulate equipment and (sometimes) associated software to explore particle physics phenomena connected to CERN's research and technologies. They make predictions, observe their experiments, and discuss their results with each other. Each session is delivered by a S'Cool LAB Tutor - a specially-trained volunteer from CERN's scientific community. Depending on the total size of the group, the experiment sessions may be run in parallel, with half the group on each experiment and switching for the second session.

Note: The exact format may vary according to the needs of S'Cool LAB physics education research needs. The S'Cool LAB Team communicates with teachers who have successfully applied for S'Cool LAB PLUS+ to coordinate this.

Before, during or after the workshop, students (and sometimes their teachers) contribute to S'Cool LAB's physics education research projects. This can be in the form of a questionnaire or interview, for example. It might be necessary for you to obtain the consent of your students' parents or legal guardians for your students to take part in these projects. The S'Cool LAB Team communicates with selected teachers about the details for their group.


S'Cool LAB Experiments are hands-on activities covering many aspects of particle physics, from basic principles through particle acceleration, particle detection and medical applications. See our Experiments page to find out more, including safety information, age restrictions, key physics concepts and preparation material for each experiment. The table below presents an overview of our current experiments.

Experiment Description Preparation required Minimum age
Cloud Chamber - Build and Observe a Particle Detector 14

Electron Tube - The Basics of Particle Acceleration


X-Rays - Medical Applications and Pixel Detectors


Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) - Medical Applications


Superconductivity - Resistance is Futile



Preparing your students

A collection of resources about CERN and each of the S'Cool LAB Experiments is available on the Prepare your students page.