Publications and conference contributions
Publications and conference contributions by members of the S'Cool LAB team
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2022). Students' types of interest in physics. AAPT summer meeting and PERC conference, 09-14/07/2022, Grand Rapids and online, poster
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2022). A virtual and interactive learning unit about positron-emission-tomography. AAPT summer meeting, 09-13/07/2022, Grand Rapids and online, talk
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2022). Students' types of interest in physics. NARST conference, 27-30/03/2022, Vancouver and online, talk
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J. & Schmeling, S. (2022). MAKE IT MATTER: How to foster interest in particle physics by setting it in meaningful contexts. PoS (EPS-HEP2021), 889, 1-4, proceedings
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2022). Interesse an Teilchenphysik - Konzeptualisierung und Testentwicklung. In: S. Habig & H. van Forst (Hrsg.), Unsicherheit als Element von naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Bildungsprozessen. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, Virtuelle Jahrestagung 2021. (S. 400). proceedings
Bernstein, F., Keller, O., Schmeling, S. & Wilhelm, T. (2021). 3D-Druck und Mikrocontroller: Ein Dreamteam für Lowcost-Hightech-Experimente? PhyDid B - Didaktik der Physik - Beiträge zur virtuellen DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2021, proceedings
Bernstein, F., Schmeling, S., Wilhelm, T. & Woithe, J. (2021). 3D-Printed Plasma Cathode Electron Source for Educational Purposes. In: B. Jarosievitz & C. Sükösd (eds), Teaching-Learning Contemporary Physics. Challenges in Physics Education (pp. 263-271). Springer, Cham, proceedings
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2021). Die Rolle interessanter Inhalte und Kontexte im Physikunterricht. Virtual GDCP conference, 14-17/09/2020, Aachen, talk and proceedings
Bernstein, F., Keller, O., Schmeling, S., Wilhelm, T. & Woithe, J. (2020). Ein LINAC zum Selberbauen. Modell eines elektrostatischen Linearbeschleunigers. Unterricht Physik, 180, 33-35
Keller, O. (2020). Measuring radioactivity using low-cost silicon sensors. remote CCC congress rC3, 29.12.2020, talk, youtube english, youtube german translation
Bernstein, F., Schmeling, S., Wilhelm, T. (2020). 3D-gedruckte Experimente zur modernen Physik. Vom Michelson-Interferometer zum Quantenradierer, Plus Lucis, 4/2020, 33-39
Bernstein, F., Keller, O., Schmeling, S., Wilhelm, T., Woithe, J. (2020). Ein LINAC zum Selberbauen. Modell eines elektrostatischen Linearbeschleunigers, Unterricht Physik, 180/2020, 33-35
Woithe, J., Jansky, A., Keller, O., Goncalves, T. (2020). A Functional 3D-Printable Magnet Model of the ATLAS Toroid. The Physics Educator, 2(3), 2020002, DOI: 10.1142/S2661339520200024
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2020). Spreading interest in particle physics among high-school students – what matters? ICHEP – Virtual International Conference on High Energy Physics, 28/07/2020-06/08/2020, Prague, talk and proceedings
Woithe, J. (2020). Designing, measuring and modelling the impact of the hands-on particle physics learning laboratory S'Cool LAB at CERN. CERN-THESIS-2020-089, PhD thesis
Keller O., Müller A., Benoit M., Schmeling S. (2020). Radioactivity in soil and the atmosphere: Investigation of new experimental tools. Conference of DiNat - Swiss Science Education Association, 24/01/2020, Geneva, talk
Zöchling, S., Hopf, M., Woithe, J., Schmeling, S. (2020). The role of interesting topics and contexts in physics education. Conference of DiNat - Swiss Science Education Association, 24/01/2020, Genf, poster
Woithe, J., Kuhn, J., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. (2020). Educational Outcomes of a Hands-on Particle Physics Learning Laboratory. Conference of DiNat - Swiss Science Education Association, 24/01/2020, Genf, talk
Woithe, J., Kuhn, J., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. (2020). Hands-on & Minds-on Teilchenphysikexperimente im CERN Schülerlabor S’Cool LAB. In: Passon, O., Zügge, T., Grebe-Ellis, J. (Eds.). Kohärenz im Unterricht der Elementarteilchenphysik. Tagungsband des Symposions zur Didaktik der Teilchenphysik in Wuppertal 2018. Springer Verlag
Keller O., Benoit M., Müller A., Schmeling S. (2019). Smartphone and Tablet-Based Sensing of Environmental Radioactivity: Mobile Low-Cost Measurements for Monitoring, Citizen Science, and Educational Purposes. Sensors, 19, 4264. journal article, open source hardware & software
Darmendrail L., Keller O., Müller A. (2019). Data, Data Everywhere, and Quite a Bit(e) to Learn. In: Koch A., Kruse S., Labudde P. (eds) Zur Bedeutung der Technischen Bildung in Fächerverbünden. Springer, book chapter
McGinness, L., Dührkoop, S., Jansky, A., Woithe, J. (2019). 3D Printable Quark Puzzle: A Model to Build Your Own Particle Systems. The Physics Teacher 57(8), DOI:
Woithe, J., Kuhn, J., Müller, A., & Schmeling, S. (2019) SchülerInnenvorstellungen zu ionisierenden Teilchen und Radioaktivität. GDCP conference, 09-12/09/2019, Vienna, poster
Woithe, J., Jansky, A. (2019). Escape Games in Particle Physics Education & Outreach. EPS-HEP conference 2019, Ghent, Belgium, 10-17/07/2019, talk
Woithe, J. (2019). Escape Games in Physics Education: Students’ Attitudes and Flow Experience. GIREP-ICPE-EPEC-MPTL 2019 conference, 01-05/07/2019, Budapest, Hungary, poster (awarded poster price) & extended abstract
Woithe, J. (2019). S’Cool LAB: From hands-on learning activities to questionnaires and escape games. Idea Circle Dinner Discussion #3,, talk
Bernstein, F., Schmeling, S., Wilhelm, T., Dührkoop, S., Jansky, A., Keller, O., McGinness, L., Woithe, J. (2019). LowCost-Experimente zur modernen Physik mit dem 3D-Drucker. GDCP conference, 17-20/09/2018, Kiel, talk and proceedings
McGinness, L., Dührkoop, S., Jansky, A., Keller, O., Lorenz, A., Schmeling, S., Wendt, K., Woithe, J. (2019). 3D-printable model of a particle trap: development and use in the physics classroom. Journal of Open Hardware , 3(1), DOI:
Woithe, J., Schmidt, R., Naumann, F. (2019). Track inspection: how to spot subatomic particles, Science in School, 46, 40-47
Woithe, J., Schmeling, S., Kuhn, J., & Müller, A. (2019). Affective and Cognitive Effects of Hands-on Particle Physics Workshops – An International Study. NARST Conference 2019, Baltimore, 31/03-03/04/2019, talk
Keller O., Benoit M., Müller A., Schmeling S. (2019). Learning about radioactivity: From diodes to pixels - Development and investigation of new experimental tools, 4th Swiss Doctoral School for Science Education, Monte Veritá, talk
Keller O. (2018). Build your own particle detector - discover natural radioactivity, Gathering for Open Science Hardware, October 2018, Shenzhen, China, invited workshop
Keller O. (2018). Hands-on timepix pixel detector lab and one-week hands-on physics class at 3rd Barcelona Techno Week, University of Barcelona, July 2018, invited workshops for professionals, hands-on detector class for high school students
Keller, O., Müller, A., Benoit, M., Schmeling, S. (2018). A cost and energy-efficient data acquisition architecture for pixel detectors in mobile applications using embedded multi-core processors. 20th international Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Sundsvall, Sweden, talk
Keller, O., Müller, A., Benoit, M., Schmeling, S. (2018). Using Timepix pixel detectors in educational physics experiments about natural radioactivity and cosmic rays. 20th international Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Sundsvall, Sweden, poster
Keller, O. (2018). Pixels for new physics and humans, Young Physicists Forum, 4-6/05/2018, invited talk
Woithe, J. (2018). Training the scientists of tomorrow. TMW Creative Impact Conference, Tallinn, 06-07/04/2018, invited talk
Jansky, A., Schmeling, S., Hopf, M. (2018). SchülerInnenvorstellungen zu Wahrscheinlichkeit und Zufall in der Teilchenphysik. DPG spring meeting, Würzburg, 19-21/03/2018, talk
Keller, O., Schmeling, S., Müller, A., Benoit, M. (2018). Towards a mobile and low-power platform for pixel detectors to be used in educational settings. DPG spring meeting, Würzburg, 19-21/03/2018, talk
Brown, A., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. (2018) High school physics teachers’s motivations for hands-on visits to CERN’s S’Cool LAB. Conference of DINAT - Swiss Science Education Association, Brugg, 18-19/01/2018, talk
Keller, O., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. (2018) Augmented Reality using a Pixel Detector: Visualisation of Radioactivity. Conference of DINAT - Swiss Science Education Association, 29/01/2016, Brugg, 18-19/01/2018, poster
Woithe, J., Jansky, A., Keller, O., Schmeling, S. (2018). 3D-Printable Things in Particle Physics Education. AAPT Winter Meeting, San Diego, 06-09/01/2018, talk
Woithe, J., Brown, A., Jansky, A., Keller, O., Schmeling, S. (2018). Hands-on & Minds-on Particle Physics in S’Cool LAB at CERN. AAPT Winter Meeting, San Diego, 06-09/01/2018, poster
Woithe, J., Wiener, G. J., Van der Veken, F. (2017). Let’s have a coffee with the Standard Model of particle physics! Physics Education, 52(3), paper
Woithe, J., Brown, A., Feistmantl, A., Keller, O., Schmeling, S. (2017). 3D-Printable Experiments in CERN’s S’Cool LAB. EPS Conference of High-Energy Physics, Venice, 5-12/07/2017, talk
Keller, O., Schmeling S., Müller A., (2017) Augmented Reality mit einem Pixeldetektor: Visualisierung von Radioaktivität. DPG spring meeting, Dresden, 20-22/03/2017, poster
Woithe, J., Feistmantl, A., Keller, O., Gonçalves, T., & Schmeling, S. (2017). Particle Physics & 3D printers - Build your own ATLAS magnet: a functional 3D-printed model. DPG spring meeting, Dresden, 20-22/03/2017, talk
Woithe, J., Kuhn, J., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. (2017) Konzeptuelles Verständnis im Schülerlabor. GDCP conference, 18-21/09/2017, Regensburg, talk and proceedings
Brown, A. Müller, A., Schmeling, A. (2017) Understanding teachers’ motivations for bringing students to CERN’s hands-on learning lab. GDCP conference, 18-21/09/2017, Regensburg, talk
Wiener, G., Woithe, J., Brown, A. & Jende, K. (2017). Wie passt der LHC in den Physikunterricht? Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 5-9
Woithe, J. & Wiener, G. (2017). Der Lagrangian entmystifiziert - Kaffeeklatsch mit dem Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 9-15
Wiener, G., Schmeling, S. & Hopf, M. (2017). Elementarteilchenphysik im Anfangsunterricht. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 15-21
Feistmantl, A., Woithe, J. (2017). Elektromagneten der Teilchenphysik hands-on – das ATLAS-Magnetsystem. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 21-28
Reifenrath, M., Weller, Ch., Woithe, J. (2017) Supraleitung – Moderne Schulphysik ohne Widerstand? Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 28-32
Feistmantl, A., Woithe, J., Wiener, G. & Hopf, M. (2017). Verschiedene Detektoren für den Unterricht - ein Überblick. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 33-36
Wiener, G. (2017). Wie kommt man am besten zum CERN? Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Physik in der Schule, 66(1), 36-39.
Keller, Oliver (2017). Radioactif… ? Feedback audiovisuel en temps réel des objets du quotidien. La sémiosphère du Commun, Bâtiment d'art contemporain Genève, 17/02/2017, invited talk
Wiener, G. J., Woithe, J., Brown, A., & Jende, K. (2016). Introducing the LHC in the classroom: an overview of education resources available. Physics Education, 51(3), paper
Keller O., Schmeling S., Müller A., & Benoit M. (2016). iPadPix - A novel educational tool to visualise radioactivity measured by a hybrid pixel detector, JINST 11 C11032, paper
Brown A, Müller A, Schmeling S. (2016). Preparing teachers & their students for S'Cool LAB days at CERN. GDCP conference in Zürich, 05-08/09/2016, poster.
Brown A, Schmeling S, Müller A. (2016). Preparing high school teachers and their students for visits to S'Cool LAB. Conference of DINAT - Swiss Science Education Association, 29/01/2016, Fribourg, poster
Woithe, J. Schmeling, S., Kuhn, J., & Müller, A. (2016). Hands-on Particle Physics Experiments for High-school Students at S'Cool LAB / CERN. GIREP seminar, 30/08-03/09/2016, Krakow, talk
Keller, Oliver (2016). iPadPix - ein Teilchen-Pixeldetektor im Praktikum. DPG - AG Physikalische Praktika, invited talk
Woithe, J. Schmeling, S., Kuhn, J., & Müller, A. (2016). Students' Conceptions and Hands-on Learning of Particle Physics in S'Cool LAB. Conference of DINAT - Swiss Science Education Association, 29/01/2016, Fribourg, poster
Woithe, J. Schmeling, S., Kuhn, J., & Müller, A. (2016). Konzepttest für Teilchenphysik im Forschungsumfeld Schülerlabor. GDCP conference, 14-17/09/2015, Berlin, poster and proceedings
Woithe, J., Keller, O., Feistmantl, A., Jende, K., & Schmeling, S. (2016). Learning Particle Physics Using Timepix-Based Pixel Detectors at CERN S’Cool LAB. MPTL conference, 9-11/09/2015, Munich, poster and selected papers
Woithe, J. Schmeling, S., Kuhn, J., & Müller, A. (2015). CERN S’Cool LAB – Ein internationales Teilchenphysik-Schülerlabor. DPG spring meeting, Wuppertal, 09-13/03/2015, poster